"The way to know life is to love many things."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

one of my many "other mothers"...

When I was in high school one of my dearest friends lived down the street from me. Kary and I danced on our schools drill team together and later found out we lived just down the street from each other. We were instant friends and spent almost all of our time together. Kary was the Maid of Honor in my wedding and I was the Matron of Honor in her wedding.

Kary and I have since moved to seperate states and try to visit home frequently. This winter Kary was unable to come home for the holidays since her husband was overseas serving our country. I went to take our family Christmas card to Kathy(that's Kary's mom). I could tell Kathy was really down that Kary wouldn't be home for the holidays. I wanted to help her get in the holiday spirit so I helped her put ornaments on her Christmas tree and we talked. Kathy learned that I had a special appreciation and love of vintage/retro/antique items.

One night I came to visit Kathy and learned she had many hidden treasures of her own. Since I couldn't talk her out of selling them to me I thought I would dedicate a post specifically for her and the special items I discovered at her house.

This one I LOVE LOVE LOVE....I'm a sucker for vintage sewing items....mainly machines....I will have a piece like this one day!

It's a 1973 Singer Junior Miss Child's Sewing Machine!

These are extra cute....made by the brand Mr. Coffee under it's own name "Mrs. Tea." Every time I try to describe this to girls my own age, I feel older than I am....they have no idea what I'm talking about. So ladies....THIS is the Mrs. Tea I was telling you about. Kathy still uses it in fact.

The last thing I saw was these Bascal aluminum tumblers. Kathy's was silver but the sets I've seen at flea markets and antique malls are multi-colored like these.

 After spending years in this house I discovered things I'd never seen before. I wanted to share these little treasures with you.

"My grandmother used it. My mother threw it out. I bought it."

Happy treasure-hunting everyone!!

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